The General Director of the Congolese Tax Authority issued service note no. 01/009/DGI/DG/DLEG/BU/SK/PBC/2023 of 24 January 2023 and official statement no. 01/008/DGIS/DG/DESCOM/Div.COMM/MM/CK/2023 of 20 February 2023 in terms of which an annual employment income tax returns applicable to employees was implemented.
All employees will receive a unique tax identification number with serial numbers ranging from B22 to Z22 and will be required to file the annual income declaration for a given year by no later than 30 March the following year.
To Facilitate the above, new platforms have been created:
The Submission for the annual employment income tax return for employees has been extended from March 30, 2023 to 29 June 2023 as indicated in Official Communication N01/18/DGI/DG/DESCOM/CD/MM/CK/2023
New platforms are available on WWW.DGI.GOUV.CD.