Config | Creating Organisation Hierarchy Units

Config | Creating Organisation Hierarchy Units


Once the Organisation Hierarchy Levels have been defined, you can proceed to create the Organisation Hierarchy Units. An Organisation Hierarchy Unit is defined as a logical grouping within the company that will represent the hierarchical view once all the units have been created. For example, the employee is allocated to the Billing Cost Centre in the Finance Department within the Company. Once the relevant Organisation Hierarchy Units are added, you will be able to link the fields on the Employee Position Screen.


This feature is available on Premier and Master.

Navigate > Config > Human Resources > Organisation Hierarchy Units


Adding Organisation Hierarchy Units

In this example, levels were created for Company, Department and Cost Centre on the Organisation Hierarchy Level Screen. Units can now be added and allocated to these Organisational Hierarchy Levels.

      Example of a first level unit.



      Example of a second level unit.



      Example of a third level unit.



The "allow employees to be linked to this unit" would need to be ticked for the lowest level unit, i.e. Cost Centre, in order for employees to be linked to the Organisation Unit on the Position screen.

Field explanations

Additional Tab

Field explanations

      The following company setting would need to be enabled in order to utilise the Advanced Organisation Structure feature.

      Navigate > Configuration > Basic Settings > Company Settings > Basic Company Information > General


Hierarchical View of Organisation Units

Once all the Organisation Hierarchy Units have been added, the hierarchical view  of  Organisation Units will reflect on the screen.


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