The types of components can be categorised in six payslip actions:
1. Allowances: includes all earnings due to the employee.
2. Deductions: refer to items that are subtracted from the allowance, resulting in the net pay as the difference.
3. Company Contributions: are contributions which the company provides to the employee.
4. Fringe Benefits: are taxable perks that an employee can receive for which they do not earn cash.
5. Personals: includes items that an employee pays in their personal capacity that qualify for a tax benefit during the tax year.
6. Notes: store important totals by default (e.g. PAYE, Taxable, Regular Income, Total SDL, UIF, Tax, Travel/Company Car Taxable, UIF Income). It can also be used to calculate, store and/or display any information not visible in the other categories above e.g. Retirement Funding Income, Bonus Tax Spread and Medical Tax Credit.