Change of Company

Change of Company

1. To change companies, simply click on the “change company” icon.

Search Fields and Filters:

  1. Search Field: Allows you to type the name or part of the name of a company to perform a search.

  1. "Add Company" Button: To add a new parent company or subsidiary to the system.

Search Results: Searching for the term "WAL" returned 4 results:
  1. Wallan Comp 001d
  2. Responsible: Linda Vasapolli
  3. ID: 43293
  4. Description: Wallan Comp 001d | test

  1. Testelândia
  2. System: PaySpace Test 1
  3. ID: 43564
  4. Description: Wallan - Teste LTDA

  1. Construtura - Wallan 03
  2. System: PaySpace - 1013
  3. ID: 44000
  4. Description: Construtura - Wallan 03 | test

  1. Wallan Test Company 0002
  2. System: PaySpace - 1013
  3. ID: 43647
  4. Description: Wallan Test Company 0002 | test

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