Chad – Finance Law 2023

Chad – Finance Law 2023

Chad's President has promulgated the Finance Law for the 2023 financial year, Law No. 016/PT/2023 of 30 December 2022. Some of the main tax measures affecting payroll include:

  • Article 35 of the Finance Law amends article 1 of the CGI - change in the Personal Income Tax (IRPP) tables effective 1 January 2023

Old table:


Lower bracket

Higher bracket


Tax on Threshold

Marginal Rate


800 000




800 000

2 500 000

   800 000



2 500 000

7 500 000

2 500 000

170 000


7 500 000 and more

7 500 000

1 170 000



New table:


Lower bracket

Higher bracket


Tax on Threshold

Marginal Rate


800 000




800 000

6 000 000

800 000



6 000 000

7 500 000

6 000 000

546 000


7 500 000

9 000 000

7 500 000

771 000


9 000 000

12 000 000

9 000 000

1 071 000


12 000 000 and more

12 000 000

1 821 000



  • Article 7 and 8 of the Finance Law amends article 849 and 855 of the General Tax Code effective 1 January 2023. References made to manual forms/slips have been removed and now refers to forms/slips generated by the Tax Management System (e-Tax).

The above changes are effective 1 January 2023. The system will be updated soon!

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