How do I correct e@syFile™ error: "The value of code (3833/3883) /'' must be equal to the value of code 4584"?

How do I correct e@syFile™ error: "The value of code (3833/3883) /'' must be equal to the value of code 4584"?

e@syFile™ error:"The value of code (3833/3883)/'' must be equal to the value of code 4584"  will display when the affected employee's Bargaining Council Fringe Benefit component does not balance to their Bargaining Council Company Contribution component.

Step 1: Create an interim run.

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Step 2: Identify the amount that needs to be reversed on the corresponding Fringe Benefit (tax code 3833) and/or Company Contribution (tax code 4584) components on the Tax Certificate and Historical Drilldown screen to ensure that the amounts will balance.

      Navigate > Employee > Payroll Results >Tax Certificates /Historical Drill Down


Step 3: Add the relevant Bragining Council component with the required amount to balance the fringe benefit and company contribution components.

Step 4: Close the interim run and the regenerate and submit the Test CSV file.

Step 5: If the Test CSV file is successfully imported, Regenerate and resubmit the Live CSV file.