Basic Settings | Creating a Workflow Path

Basic Settings | Creating a Workflow Path


The Workflow Configuration Screen allows you to create rules for workflow items to move through a defined number of approval steps.

Workflows can be setup for Claims, Commissions, Employee Request and/or Leave.


This feature is available on Premier and Master edition.
Please note: Basic Workflow Functionality that limits you to a 1 Step Approver-Workflow for a Claim Item, is available on Premier edition

Navigate > Config > Basic Settings > Company Settings > Workflow Configuration


The Workflow Configuration Screen

Workflow Path based on a Security Role
By default, when a workflow path has been based on the Employee Self Service (ESS) security role, the same workflow path will be followed for managers. Workflow paths based on a Manager Self Service (MSS) security role, will be ignored if created.

Should the user have both payroll access and an ESS profile, a workflow path based on the Company Level User Profile’s security role will have to be created.
Multiple Approvers
If more than one approver has been set-up for a workflow step, when the one approver actions the workflow item, it will be removed from the other approver’s Inbox.
  1. To be included in a workflow path, the employee needs to be active on the payroll.
  2. Different workflow paths for different groups of employees may be created per workflow item.
  3. Once a workflow path for claims has been set-up, when the employee submits a claim, the same path will be followed for all claim components.
  4. Workflow paths need to be configured for each employee request.
  5. Workflow paths can be created per leave type or leave scheme.
    Enable the below setting when using Workflows for Leave

  6. Activate a company setting to select the directly reports to person from a company within the group on the Position Detail Screen.
  7. Should you select, for example, Region to base the workflow path on, it is advisable that a workflow path for every Region created on the payroll, to be configured.  The same principal applies when basing a workflow path on a Workflow – or Security Role.

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