An employee level user got a new phone, how do they setup the Multifactor Authentication (MFA) on the new phone?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. The employee will first need to log in to their profile, to request the Authentication code be sent by either email or SMS. Log in to PaySpace and opt for the option "Send Email" or "Send SMS" to ...
How do I remove the Multifactor Authentication (MFA) setting on user profiles?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Multifactor Authentication (MFA) can only be removed on Bureau level. Contact for further assistance.
How can I grant a company level user permission to edit historical records?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions By enabling the below setting, company level users will have the ability to edit historical records for Employee screens such as Position, Pay Rate Details, Suspension, Dependents and Projects. ...
How do I link a company level user to a security role?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Security roles are linked to company level users on their user profile. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Profiles Step 1: Select the User Profile. Step 2: Select Security Role Access ...
Why do employees receive an "Access denied | You have invalid security permissions to access the selected functionality" error when submitting a claim?
This feature is only available on the Premier and Master editions Employees will receive the below error if the ESS security role's permissions deny access to the Claims screen. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security Roles. Step 1: Select ...
How do I add a new company level user?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Company level users are created and maintained on the User Profiles screen. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Profiles Step 1: Ensure that "Company" is selected from the dropdown list ...
How do I create a security role?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Security Roles are created on the Security Role screen to specify the screens a user can access. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security Roles Step 1: Click on the "add" icon. Step 2: ...
How can a newly added employee use a single email address to access their ESS and company level user profile?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Use the following steps to configure the system so that a newly added employee can use one email address as a company level and ESS user. Step 1: Capture the user as an employee on the system and ...
How do I configure the system so that employees can submit claims on ESS?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions In order for employees to submit claims on ESS, access to the Claims screen has to be granted on the ESS security role. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security Roles Click on the ...
Why am I unable to add an increase reason?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If a company level user is unable to add an increase reason, it is because they do not have permission to edit historical records. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Profiles > Other ...
How do I make a user profile inactive?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Company and Employee user profiles can be made inactive on the User Profiles screen. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User Profiles Step 1: Select the User Profile from the Company or ...
Can a payslip's password be changed?
No. A payslip's password cannot be changed.
When will a payslip be password protected?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A payslip will be password protected when users select the "Email" icon on the Edit Payslip screen. Navigate > Employee > Payroll Processing > Edit Payslip
Does PaySpace perform a virus scan on Bulk Actions spreadsheets before being uploaded?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Bulk Actions screen has been enhanced to perform a virus scan before a populated spreadsheet is uploaded. When selecting to upload a populated template on the bulk action screen the file will now ...
Is there a time out limit in Report Writer?
Currently, there are no time out limits for the Report Writer.
Why is the "+ Report" button not available on the Reports screen?
This feature is available on the Master edition. There are two security role permissions that need to be granted that will control whether the user attached to the security role can customise reports, namely "Custom Reports" & "Report Designer". ...
How do I ungroup companies linked in error and group them correctly?
This feature is available for all PaySpace editions To ungroup companies linked in error and group them correctly, complete the attached Group Delinking/Linking request form and send it to for further assistance. Important! This ...
Why would a user not receive their password reset email?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A user may not be receiving their Password Reset email due to the below possible reasons: Verify if the affected user's email address has passed or failed the validation process. Navigate > Employee ...
Why does a company level user not have access to any Reports?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The security role to which the affected company level user is attached to, may not have permissions setup for Reports. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security Roles Click on the pencil ...
Why am I unable to edit employees' current records on their Position screens, and the only option is to add a new position?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The "edit historical records" user profile setting can be enabled so that company level users can have access to update history so that is can be managed accordingly. By enabling this setting, the ...
How do I configure the system so that employees can download their IRP5s on ESS?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To allow employees to download their IRP5's through ESS. access to the Tax Certificates / Historical Drill Down screen must be granted within the ESS security role. Navigate > Config > Security > ...
Why can't a Business Partner level user see the "Business Partner" drilldown option under the User List section on the User Profiles screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Enable the following option on the business partner level user's profile, for them to see the "Business Partner" drilldown option under the User List section on the User Profiles screen. Navigate > ...
How can I configure the system to allow a company level user to use a single email address to access multiple companies without encountering an error?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions When a user tries to use one email address to create multiple company level profiles, the following error message will be shown on the User Profiles screen: Please select a different email address as ...
Why does the system restrict an MSS user's access to their subordinate's dashboard only?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions This could be a result of the MSS user previously being classified as a company level user with Org Unit Permissions defined. To verify and correct: Step 1: Change the user type from Employee ...
How do I disable widgets from being displayed on ESS?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Widgets can be disabled by restricting access on ESS Permissions. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security Roles Click on the pencil icon to edit the ESS security role. Click on the ...
How do I configure the system so that business partner - and company level users have access to edit their own employee records?
This feature is available on all Payspace editions. To give business partner - and company level users access to edit their employee record, enable the following checkbox on the Security Settings screen. Navigate > Configuration > Security > Security ...
Why is an employee's valid email address reflecting as "invalid" on their Basic Profile screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The system has been enhanced with a visual validation mechanism that displays the validity of an email address inserted on the Basic Information screen. Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > ...
Will company level users still have access to the companies delinked from their profiles?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. No. Once companies have been delinked from each other. Separate User Profiles will have to be setup for each company. Security Roles will have to be setup in each company. Navigate > Config > ...
How do I restrict a company level user from accessing specific organisation units?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions The User Org. Unit Permissions screen allows you to specify which employees the user will have access to on Organisation Unit and/or Region level. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User ...
Why does a company level user encounter an Access Denied screen when trying to access a new employee record?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions A company level user may be unable to view a new employee's record because they do not have access to the Organisation Unit/Region that the employee is linked to. Navigate > Employee > Basic ...
Why is it that a Business Partner level user cannot see all their companies on the Employee Search screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Only companies within a group will appear on the Employee Search screen. A Business Partner level user will only be able to view all of their companies on the Company Search screen.
How do I configure the system so that employees can access their KPI's screen on ESS?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To enable employees to view their KPI screen on ESS, the ESS security role needs to have the necessary permissions granted. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > Security Roles Step 1: Select to ...
Why is the Statutory Fields section of the Tax Profile screen not visible to company level users?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. The Statutory Fields section on the Tax Profile screen will not be visible because the permission for "Custom Fields" has not been granted on the respective security roles. Navigate > Config > ...
What are the implications of having a user linked to multiple Security Roles?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If a user profile is linked to multiple security roles, access will be allowed as specified in the security role with the least amount of access across all companies the user has been given access ...
How many login attempts does a user have before their account is locked?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A user's profile will be locked after five consecutive incorrect password attempts on the login screen. The affected profile's status will then reflect as inactive and would have to be changed from ...
What is the benefit of the automated email notification employees receive when their bank details are changed on the system?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions This enhancement adds value to the company's audit requirements, as it will immediately highlight any fraudulent activity . Navigate > Employee > Basic Information > Basic Profile > Contact Details ...
How long does a new Business Partner or company level user have to change their password upon logging into the system for the first time?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If a new Business Partner or company level user does not log into the system to change their password within two hours, they will need to use the Reset Password option on the Login screen to create a ...
Why is the employee not receiving their ESS registration email?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions An employee may not be receiving their ESS Registration email due to the below possible reasons: Step 1: Verify if the affected user's email address has passed or failed the validation process. ...
How do I restrict a company level user from accessing specific companies and/or frequencies?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The User Profiles screen allows you to specify which companies and/or frequencies a user will have access to under the Company & Frequency Access tab. Navigate > Config > Security > Security > User ...
Why am I receiving an "Invalid Token" error when trying to reset my password?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If a user does not log into the system to reset their password within two hours, they will need to reinitiate the Reset Password option on the Login screen to create a new password. Related FAQs Why ...
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