How do I configure the Bargaining Council components?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Bargaining Council configurations are implemented by our Professional Services department and is a billable exercise. Contact for further assistance.
How do I configure a Reimbursive Travel Allowance as a claim component?
This feature is available on the Premier and Master edition A Reimbursive Travel Allowance is an allowance which is based on the actual distance travelled for business purposes (excluding private travel). These amounts are normally paid by an ...
How do I set up an alternate component to calculate BCEA Leave Pay using a custom calculation?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editons Make use of the following steps to configure a component that calculates BCEA Leave Pay according to the company's policies. Navigate > Configuration > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components ...
How do I add a Leave Shutdown component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The set up of the Leave Shutdown component requires JavaScript and customisation of the system which is billable. Contact the Consulting department at for further assistance.
How do I set up the Medical Aid Insurance component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Medical Aid Insurance scheme first needs to be configured on company level before the Medical Insurance component can be created and added to employees. Step 1: Check that the Medical Aid ...
Which component can be used as a tax override component to disregard an employee's system calculated tax amount, and instead apply an advised amount?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The "Suppress Tax Paid" note component can be used as a tax override component to disregard an employee's system calculated tax amount. It will allow you to advise an amount on an employee's ...
How do I remove an income base that has been setup for a component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions When adding a new component with an income base formula (defined income), the calculation can refer to various sources in the payroll for example, a specific component, the employee’s hourly rate or ...
How do I configure the Reimbursive Travel Allowance (taxable and non taxable) claim components to automatically apply the SARS rate per hour?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A Reimbursive Travel Allowance is an allowance which is based on the actual distance travelled for business purposes (excluding private travel). These amounts are normally paid by an employer to an ...
What is the function of the "Add New Occurrence" link against certain components on the Payroll Components screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions An existing component can be used to create a new component. This could be used when the new component is required to calculate the same as an existing component. The "Add" link against most of the ...
Why are components created and available on company level only visible in one of the multiple frequencies in a company?
Components are created and available per frequency (i.e. components added in one frequency will not be visible in another frequency within a company).
Can components be copied from one frequency to another within the same entity?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Yes. Components can be copied from one frequency to another. Complete the attached document and send the request to the Support Team at
What is the Component Code field used for?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The component code field on the Payroll Components (extra options) and General Ledger Parameters screens are used to classify the components under codes that can be used when an MS Excel spreadsheet ...
How do I configure the system so that each component's calculation order number is displayed on the Payroll Components screen?
This feature is available on the Premier and Master edition Enable the company setting, "Show calculation order numbers in grids on the company payroll component screen" on the Calculation Settings screen, for the component order to display on the ...
What is the function of the Inactive option when editing a component on the Payroll Components screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A component that was added to an employee’s record, can never be deleted. When editing enable the "inactive" checkbox to deactivate it, thus making it unavailable on employee level. Navigate > ...
How do I set up a claim component that allows employees to submit claims via ESS?
This feature is available on the Premier and Master edition Make use of the following steps to configure claim components which will allow employees to submit claims via ESS. Step 1: Ensure that the component that will be used in the claim is created ...
How do I insert a Garnishee component on an employee record?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Garnishee Deduction component has to be created on the company level before it can be set up on an employee's Recurring Payroll Components screen. Step 1: Create the component on company level. ...
How do I add a Union Fee to an employee?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Union Fee deduction and/or company contribution components can be added onto an employee's payslip as a once-off component or onto their Recurring Payroll Components screen as a recurring ...
How do I override an Income Base for duplicate Components with different calculations?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The "override formula" link allows for multiple instances of the same base component with each component following a specific income base setup. If the income base is edited using the "income base ...
How do I restrict the number of weeks that a component can be split over?
This feature is available on all PaySpace edtions To restrict the number of weeks over which a component can be split, enable the "only calculate this component in the selected runs of the month:" setting when editing the component on the General ...
How do I configure a Reimbursive Travel Allowance component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions A Reimbursive Travel Allowance is an allowance which is based on the actual distance travelled for business purposes (excluding private travel). These amounts are normally paid by an employer to an ...
How do I set up the Company Car component - Use of motor vehicle acquired by employer component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The private use of a Company Car is taxable and should reflect as a fringe benefit. Step 1: Add the Use of motor vehicle acquired by employer NOT via Operating Lease component on company level and ...
How do I set up the Medical Aid components?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions After setting up the Medical Aid Scheme, the Employer Contribution and Employee Deduction components must be created on company level before an employee can be linked to the Medical Aid scheme. Step ...
How do I configure the Leave Provision component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions One of the provisions of the BCEA is that annual leave can be taken when an employer and employee agree on the time/period of leave. Such an agreement is normally reached through the employer's ...
How do I setup the Automatic Bonus / Tax Spread component?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions An employee may choose to spread the tax on a guaranteed bonus over the tax year using the Automatic Bonus/Tax Spread component . This should ideally be processed in March and will result in the ...
How do I create payroll components on company level, so that they are available for selection on employee payslips?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Payroll Components screen stores a library of payslip actions a company requires on employee level. When the company is created, a standard set of components will automatically reflect, including ...
Components | Gross Up Components
Overview Gross up components allow you to process earnings that the employee should clear without any tax deductions. The goal is to remunerate an agreed net amount as opposed to an amount prior to the tax deduction. Since taxable income is taxed by ...