South Africa
How can the customer inform employees that their payslips are available after closing the pay run early?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Navigate > Reports > Reports > Classic > Payroll > Payslips Report The customer can choose the relevant pay run on the Payslips Report and click the Send Email Notification button. This will send an ...
Where can I find the Component Blue Print report?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The Component Blue Print report can be found on the Payroll Components screen. Navigate > Config > Payroll > Payroll Config > Payroll Components Select to edit a component and click on the "edit ...
How do I enable the Manager Self Service feature for a manager?
This feature is available on Premier and Master editions Once a manager is added as a Directly Reports to Person on another employee's Position screen, the Manager Self Service feature will be activated for that manager. Navigate > Employee > Basic ...
Is it possible to copy components to a company with a different Tax Authority?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions No. Companies with a different Tax Authority than the source company will not be available for selection under the Destination section of the Copy Components screen.
Mozambique | Local Municipality Tax / Imposto Pessoal Autárquico
Municipality Taxes are based on the employee's province and represent the minimum contribution of each resident to the public expenses of the municipality. This tax is required of all national or foreign individuals between the ages of 18 and 60 who ...
South Africa - Employment Equity Guide 2024
To aid our users in the understanding and application of Employment Equity Reporting, PaySpace has published an Employment Equity Guide for submissions due on the 15th of January 2025.
South Africa - SARS PAYE BRS 2024/2025
The SARS PAYE Business Requirements Specification (BRS) 2024/2025 specifies the requirements and rules for Employer PAYE (EMP501) Reconciliations for the 2024/2025 tax year, namely: 1. Tax file structure and requirements, and 2. IRP5 codes (rules and ...
South Africa Compact Payroll Guide 2024/2025
This guide is designed to provide a brief overview of the statutory rates and contributions that employers need to be aware of when calculating statutory payroll contributions in South Africa. This guide will provide you with the essential payroll ...
South Africa ETI Calculator 2024/2025
To aid our users in the understanding and application of these measures, PaySpace has released an excel tool to simulate the ETI tax validations and calculations.
South Africa PAYE Calculator 2024/2025
To facilitate our user's understanding of the PAYE calculation for the 2024/2025 tax year, PaySpace has released a simplified Excel calculator. Kindly note that this calculator may not cover all possible scenarios. If you need further assistance, ...
Transfers and Terminate for Statutory Reporting
The purpose of this guide is to clarify how the ‘terminated for statutory reporting’ field is interpreted in various statutory reports, and when to activate the field during the transfer process. Navigate to the employee > On / Off Boarding > ...
South Africa - Employment Equity Guide 2023
To aid our users in the understanding and application of Employment Equity Reporting, PaySpace has published an Employment Equity Guide for submissions due on the 15th of January 2024.
South Africa - SARS PAYE BRS 2023/2024
The SARS PAYE Business Requirements Specification (BRS) 2023/2024 specifies the requirements and rules for Employer PAYE (EMP501) Reconciliations for the 2023/2024 tax year, namely: 1. Tax file structure and requirements, and 2. IRP5 codes (rules and ...
South Africa Compact Payroll Guide 2023/2024
This guide is designed to provide a brief overview of the statutory rates and contributions that employers need to be aware of when calculating statutory payroll contributions in South Africa. This guide will provide you with the essential payroll ...
South Africa PAYE Calculator 2023/2024
To facilitate our user's understanding of the PAYE calculation for the 2023/2024 tax year, PaySpace has released a simplified Excel calculator. Kindly note that this calculator may not cover all possible scenarios. If you need further assistance, ...
South Africa ETI Calculator 2023/2024
To aid our users in the understanding and application of these measures, PaySpace has released an excel tool to simulate the ETI tax validations and calculations.