Bulk Actions
Can recurring component templates be attached to employees in bulk?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Yes. Recurring component templates can be attached to employees via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions Existing templates can also be replaced using this action type. Within the upload ...
How do I exclude terminated employees when configuring data on employee screens via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To exclude terminated employees when configuring data on employee screens via the Bulk Actions screen, enable the "Do not allow payslip bulk uploads for employees with a termination date prior to the ...
Is there maximum number of employees that can be onboarded via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions No. There is no limit on the number of employees that can be onboarded via the Bulk Actions screen.
Why is the Bulk Actions spreadsheet for current employees failing to upload?
There may be several reasons why the Bulk Action spreadsheet is failing to upload: Changing the layout of the Excel template (e.g. Making changes to the template columns). Processing employees from different frequencies on the same sheet. Not ...
How do I update existing employee bank details via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To update the existing employee bank details, select the "Eye" icon to load the employee data, then select the "solid download" icon (the first icon in the left corner of the grid) to download the ...
How do I link employees to Leave Schemes via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions To link employees to Leave Schemes, select the "Eye" icon to load the employee data, then select the "solid download" icon (the first icon in the left corner of the grid) to download the prepopulated ...
Can notes and reminders be created on employee records via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on the Premier and Master edition Yes. Notes and reminders can be created on employee records via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Can attachments be added onto employee profiles via the Bulk Action screen?
No. Attachments cannot be added onto employee records via the Bulk Actions screen. Related FAQ How do I attach documents to an employee record?
What is the implication of changing the layout and format of the Bulk Actions Microsoft Excel template?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If the layout and/or format (i.e. font, rearranging columns, etc.) of the Bulk Actions MS Excel template is changed, it will fail to upload into the system. Ensure that the layout and formatting of ...
Why is the "Add New Employees" action type not visible on the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The "Add New Employees" action type may not be visible on the Bulk Actions screen because the user's access to the screens that are relevant to the applicable Bulk Actions spreadsheet has been ...
Why are there no project codes reflected on the Bulk Actions spreadsheet?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions If there are no project codes reflected on the Bulk Actions spreadsheet, it means that no projects have been set up on the Project Costing screen. Click on + icon to create projects. Navigate > ...
Why can't some employees be found on the Bulk Actions spreadsheet?
Employees in different companies cannot be combined on a single Bulk Actions spreadsheet, regardless of whether the companies are grouped. Therefore, each company's Bulk Actions spreadsheet has to be uploaded to each respective company.
Can skills be created on company level on the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on the Premier and Master edition Skills can be defined on an employee record on the Skills screen. However, Skills Categories need to be created on company level before doing so. This can be done via the Bulk Actions ...
Can employees be terminated and reinstated via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Yes. Employees can be terminated and/or reinstated via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Why does the component code appear on the Bulk Actions spreadsheet instead of the component description?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions The component code function was specifically designed to be used when uploading data using a Bulk Actions spreadsheet. Should the component description be preferred on the spreadsheet, remove the ...
Can positions be created on company level via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on all PaySpace editions Yes. Positions created on company level via the Bulk Actions screen will be stored on the Position Management screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions Navigate > Configuration > Human Resources > Organisation ...
Can employee transfers be processed on the Bulk Actions screen?
No. Employee transfers have to be processed individually (i.e. per employee) Navigate > On / Off Boarding > Transfer Related FAQs How do I transfer an employee from one company to another? How do I transfer an employee from one frequency to another ...
Can I capture employee assets via the Bulk Actions screen?
This feature is available on the Premier and Master edition Yes. The employees' Asset Register can be uploaded via the Bulk Actions screen. Navigate > Bulk Actions
Bulk Actions | The Filter Builder Screen
Overview This article clarifies how you can expand on selections made on the Bulk Actions Screen, by adding conditions or groups on the Filter Builder Screen. Edition This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Navigation Navigate > Bulk ...
Bulk Actions | Component Codes
Overview Component codes are relevant when selecting the Action Type, Payslips on the Bulk Actions Screen. Regardless of whether you are applying selections on screen or using a MS Excel template, you can either search for a component description, or ...
Bulk Actions | The Bulk Actions Screen
Overview Besides processing payroll input on the respective employees’ records, capturing payroll information can also be processed via the Bulk Actions Screen. Bulk entries can be uploaded to the Payslip Edit Screen or the Recurring Components ...
Bulk Actions | Bulk Entries for Multiple Employees
Overview Bulk Entries functionality allows you to capture or import information for more than one employee at a time. Edition This feature is available on all PaySpace editions. Navigation Navigate > Bulk Actions Details An extract of the Bulk ...